Jordan Wolfson

Jordan Wolfson was born and raised in Los Angeles and graduated with an MFA from Yale School of Art in 1991.  Exhibiting both nationally and internationally, Wolfson’s work is represented in permanent collections worldwide, including the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the James T. Dyke Collection, and the Ballinglen Museum of Contemporary Art in Ireland. Wolfson has received numerous awards including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, the Ingram Merrill Foundation Grant, and a Purchase Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters; he was a fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA, and the Ballinglen Art Foundation in Ireland.

In his recurring explorations of form, space, and light, Wolfson has been investigating the relationships between perception, mark, and Consciousness. This has led to his experience of painting as a life practice and a means for fundamental understanding.

Jordan Wolfson currently lives in Longmont, Colorado, co-parenting his two daughters, and maintains a studio in North Boulder.